Egypt Transformed Me
I had an out-of-body experience as a teenager in high school. I was lying on my bed after school, taking a nap, when a sudden wind furiously blew me out of my body, and I was in a sandstorm. I was waving my hands and clawing at the sandpaper in my eyes. I stumbled in confusion because I wasn't sure if I died, if I was dreaming, or where I was. As I pushed through the sand, the storm cleared up, and I saw two warriors crossing their axes and blocking my path. The warriors had ancient Egyptian attire and dog heads like Anubis, the God of mummification and death. As I approached the armed guards, they uncrossed their axes so I could pass, and a trapped door in the sand dropped open into an underground catacomb. As I took my first step into the darkness, I was shot back into my body by a violent wind and a whooshing sound that curdled my ears.
I was captivated by ancient Egypt; I have watched many documentaries and YouTube videos about the Great Pyramids—the theories, the mainstream narratives, and the mysteries fascinated me. On my recent trip to Egypt, I got to walk down into those catacombs and get the answers I have been seeking. And while some of my deep questions were answered, I left Egypt with more questions about ancient civilizations and the true origins of our humanity. The deep answers I got in Egypt were so simple. As a teenager, I wouldn't have been ready for the answers, so I had to wait over 15 years to hear the words "I am that, I am." I have heard these words before from Wayne Dyer, but I got to embody this sacred affirmation and truly experience "I am."
I was speechless to see the electricity in the hieroglyphics and great arcs of hidden powers sailing the river of souls. The Egyptians always gave the gods sacred offerings and sent energy to the kings while holding the key to life. You could feel the energy in every temple and hear the sacred ones forging the temple blocks.
Of course, the Great Pyramid was a highlight for me. We had a private tour of the King's chamber for two hours. Those two hours may have been the most transformative of my entire life. I overcame a deep fear of non-existence, and I went beyond and surrendered to the light as if I had died. I feel like I died repeatedly until I finally got the lesson. The answer is to surrender to life, surrender to who you are becoming, and surrender to what is trying to emerge through you. I got to see the Nile River for what it is—a mirror reflection of the Milky Way Galaxy on the land, as above, so below. I got to experience my soul flowing in the river of souls returning to source. To be one with God.
As the days blended, it was hard to determine whether I was still dreaming. The energy was so strong the second I stepped on the African continent off the plane. The ancients whispered in the wind, and the great Nile had many stories to tell. The temples cried with metaphors, and eons of sand buried the land. There has only been about one percent of the Sahara excavated; there is so much more to explore and discover in Egypt. Every day, there is a discovery.
While I had a spiritual death in Egypt, I feel reborn, initiated in the light, on such a higher level. I don't understand the power of my experience yet. It's still unfolding, and it may take years to unpack everything that happened.
I am excited to take this rebirth, renewal, and rejuvenated energy into the New Year, into 2024. I see this year being pivotal to the ones answering their call. This is the year to listen to your gut and the whispers inside your head, change it all, and pursue your dreams. It's time to let go of any fear of the unknown and trust and fall into the universe, knowing it's time to heal. It is time to surrender to life.
Just breathe that in, it’s time to surrender to life.