7 Ways to Medicine Guided Meditations

Discover the ancient truth that medicine is everywhere in Thomas M. Wurm's 7 Ways to Medicine. These meditations will help you unlock your spiritual potential and embrace the power of unconditional love. Through a journey of archetypes, prayer, and nature medicine, you will deepen your connection to the Great Spirit and open your eyes to the healing power of the world around you—this powerful album for intentional living will awaken your soul.

  • East: Fire healing spirit

    South: Air healing mind

    West: Water healing emotions

    North: Earth healing body

    Great Spirit: Spirit healing energy

    Mother Earth: Grounding into action

    Center: Love healing heart

Awaken to Your Highest Self: Guided Meditations for Healing

This guided meditation album is designed to help you connect with cosmic energy, expand your consciousness, and align with your highest self. Through practices like deep relaxation, breathwork, heart coherence, and visualization, you’ll release limiting beliefs and activate powerful healing.

  • Morning Activation: meditation and prayer to guide your day with divine intention.

    Inner Smile: Healing your body with a loving smile.

    Three Treasures: align your energy centers and expand your consciousness.

    Ho'oponopono: Forgive yourself and others.

    Great Spirit: Resolve internal conflict and go back to the source.

    Sleep Hypnosis: Sleep better while installing health, abundance, and spiritual attunement.