Enrollment Open until full.

Weekly Meetings. Times will depend on participant schedules, and we will have a set time each week to meet for 90 minutes.

  • Transform Stress into Vitality

    Learn a 5 element Qigong process and Taoist Alchemy to transform your energy. Learn to lower your stress and increase your energy. Balance the energy in your organs and meridian system in this ancient flowing practice.

  • Embrace Wholeness and Coherence:

    Join our dream team to dissolve limiting beliefs and heavy emotions, embracing a powerful journey towards collective wholeness. Experience the transformative potential of a united community, dreaming together to manifest our highest reality.

  • Building Your Mana:

    Our sessions focus on breath, mindfulness, and focus to ground you in the present, aligning your actions with your deepest desires and values. Tap into the power of collective mana and intention, propelling your dreams into reality through a deep connection with your highest self.

  • Divine Alignment:

    Central to our approach is aligning with your highest self, connecting you to your true essence and purpose. This alignment empowers authentic living, dream manifestation, and a radiant presence in the world. Experience how your energy, magnified and in divine harmony, can elevate your vibrational state.

  • Manifestation:

    Learn the art of manifestation by aligning your energy and beliefs. Discover how conscious thoughts, emotions, and actions can shape your reality and how a focused group can amplify these effects, turning dreams into tangible outcomes.

  • Group Intention:

    Delve into the power of collective intention, validated by scientific research. In our community, each dream is supported and magnified, proving the profound impact of a coherent and focused intention.

  • Group Prayer:

    Join our weekly collective prayer sessions, where we focus our energies on manifesting the dreams of one community member. This practice, modeled after the Power of Eight, harnesses the power of collective intention to create real-life miracles.

Join us in this journey of Collective Alchemy, where together we build a sacred space of prosperity, abundance, and health.



The Mini Breakthrough Session creates rapid transformations in the mind and body, healing deep core wounds and removing the blocks so you can move forward in your life. The unique experience of rapid change in three hours is focused on you healing deep aspects of the self and integrating forgiveness.

  • Higher-Self Therapy

At the core of this session is Higher-Self Therapy, a profound technique that facilitates a connection with your highest self; I guide you in activating the emotion or belief we are working on, and I speak to your highest self and invite divine healing light to dissolve the problem and install new ways of being. Within every struggle lies a seed of opportunity; through this therapy, your highest self processes this seed, extracting vital lessons to liberate and empower you. This process is more than healing; it's a journey of self-discovery and liberation.

  • Ho'oponopono

We also delve into the ancient practice of Ho'oponopono, an effective method, especially in the aftermath of conflicts, losses, or death. This energetic process releases the intense or stagnant energy connections to others, fostering a sense of peace and closure. It's a transformative practice that heals not just the surface wounds but reaches deep into the emotional and spiritual realms, allowing you to reach total forgiveness in your heart for yourself and others.

  • Grounding and Healing Boundaries

Another key component is grounding and healing your energetic boundaries. This involves reconnecting with the elements and grounding your mind, body, and spirit. By healing the four energetic boundaries and closing any leaks, you ensure your innate healing energy doesn't dissipate. Grounding gets you inside your body so you can be calm, present, and clear thinking. 




We talk for three to four hours to uncover the greater problem deep inside your mind. Alternative therapy is all about understanding the context, process, and structure of your problem through storytelling so you can become aware of the root cause that is creating the problems in your life.


Once you and I understand the greater problem and how it was created, it’s time to begin letting go. The goal of Mental and Emotional Release® is to let go of unresolved negative emotions and limiting beliefs so you can begin harmonizing your life and get back on track. You install new learnings and beliefs that change your life throughout the release process.


Quantum physics says, “Everything is energy,” and the Breakthrough Session is designed around this idea. When the unconscious mind releases the emotions from an unresolved memory through Mental and Emotional Release®, the body releases the stored energy from that memory. The mind and body shift instantaneously into a new state of being.

  • HUNA

Huna is the ancient art of Hawaiian Energy Healing. As I weave Higher Self Therapy, Ho’oponopono, and Elemental Energies into your Breakthrough Session, you release ancestral trauma and heal your lineage. The ancient Hawaiian healing process focuses on healing the energy because “Everything is energy.”


The Breakthrough Session will dismantle old ways of thinking and feeling, allowing you to take on life in a new way. The old patterns and emotions hold a specific amount of energy. And after the release, you must take action on new habits to create the momentum required to rewire your brain. As you take new action in your life, you integrate the lessons from your Breakthrough Session.


Suddenly, you can focus on what you want instead of what you don’t want. This simple shift changes your perception and empowers you to stay focused on your vision and goals in life. Without the old ways of thinking holding you back, you become free to focus on the future that will drive you forward into your dreams.



  • Energetic Clearing of the Space

The service begins with a thorough, energetic cleansing of the space to clear any lingering spirits or negative energies. This process involves a detailed assessment of the area to identify any energetic disturbances. I use a combination of sage smudging and specific prayers or chants to cleanse the environment. This ritual is about removing unwanted energies and respecting and peacefully guiding any spirits toward the light, ensuring a harmonious transition for all entities involved.

  • Creating an Energy Grid

Once the space is cleared, the next step is establishing a strong energy grid infused with love and light. This involves strategically placing rock salt around the space to create an energetic boundary. I also perform a series of energy channeling techniques to infuse the space, protecting energies in all the corners and sealing all the doors and windows. Then, I set intention-infused anchors at key points in the room. This grid is a barrier against negative energies and maintains a high vibrational frequency conducive to love and light.

  • Attunement

The final step is an energy session for the occupants of the space. This session is designed to attune your energy to the newly cleansed and charged environment. Through gentle hand placements and the channeling of universal life energy, I work to align your personal energy fields with the vibrations of the space. This alignment is crucial for creating a sense of harmony and connection with your surroundings. The energy session enhances your energy balance and well-being and deepens the bond between you and the energetically rejuvenated space, ensuring a symbiotic relationship of mutual nurture and growth.


  • Enrollment Open until full

    Transform Stress into Vitality

    Learn a 5 element Qigong process and Taoist Alchemy to transform your energy. Learn to lower your stress and increase your energy. Balance the energy in your organs and meridian system in this ancient flowing practice.

    Embrace Wholeness and Coherence:

    Join our dream team to dissolve limiting beliefs and heavy emotions, embracing a powerful journey towards collective wholeness. Experience the transformative potential of a united community, dreaming together to manifest our highest reality.

    Building Your Mana:

    Our sessions focus on breath, mindfulness, and focus to ground you in the present, aligning your actions with your deepest desires and values. Tap into the power of collective mana and intention, propelling your dreams into reality through a deep connection with your highest self.

    Divine Alignment:

    Central to our approach is aligning with your highest self, connecting you to your true essence and purpose. This alignment empowers authentic living, dream manifestation, and a radiant presence in the world. Experience how your energy, magnified and in divine harmony, can elevate your vibrational state.


    Learn the art of manifestation by aligning your energy and beliefs. Discover how conscious thoughts, emotions, and actions can shape your reality and how a focused group can amplify these effects, turning dreams into tangible outcomes.

    Group Intention:

    Delve into the power of collective intention, validated by scientific research. In our community, each dream is supported and magnified, proving the profound impact of a coherent and focused intention.

    Group Prayer:

    Join our weekly collective prayer sessions, where we focus our energies on manifesting the dreams of one community member. This practice, modeled after the Power of Eight, harnesses the power of collective intention to create real-life miracles.

    Join us in this journey of Collective Alchemy, where together we build a sacred space of prosperity, abundance, and health.

  • The Spiritual Coaching six-pack is a journey designed to unravel the essence of your true self and purpose. This package is a melding of deep meditation, mental and emotional release®, and energy healing, specifically tailored to aid you in uncovering the profound meaning and direction of your life. A six-pack of spiritual coaching sessions can be fundamental in helping you integrate medicine experiences or provide a comprehensive approach to personal growth and self-discovery.

    As your guide, I will lead you in crafting a vision that inspires and sets tangible, achievable goals, empowering you to transform and fully realize your potential. We will pinpoint the source of your pain and facilitate your learning and healing through it. Coaching is about guiding you into who is trying to emerge through your life and getting in touch with who you want to become. We get a clear vision of the future and what is trying to emerge through you and clear the baggage so you can begin taking the action that drives you forward.

    In the private coaching program, you receive all the modalities I am trained in, from Huna healing to Mental and Emotional Release® and hypnosis. And you will have access to me through text and email.


    A one-year commitment is the key to unlocking lasting personal transformation, as it provides the time and support needed to cultivate deep-rooted change and evolve into the best version of yourself.


    Experience the power of Mental and Emotional Release®, reprogram the unconscious mind and body to create clarity and action, unlocking your manifestationing power from within.


    Transformative coaching empowers you to unleash your full potential, guiding you to a life of purpose, fulfillment, and profound personal growth.


    Embrace mindfulness and focus, and watch as the right action ignites your life with momentum and propels you towards achieving your dreams.


    Intention and prayer are the Magick that turns your aspirations into achievements, providing the structure and motivation to create lasting, positive change in your life.


    Embark on a soul-healing journey within a heart-centered community, where indigenous healing ceremonies guide you to realign your ancestral field for lasting prosperity and inner transformation.


    Elevate your daily life with online courses and books that blend personal development and ancient wisdom to awaken your true potential and embrace an aligned path with your highest self.


    Clearing limiting beliefs and heavy emotions alters your reality by dismantling the barriers that block you from manifesting your highest reality. Unconscious reprogramming unlocks the doorway to success and happiness by reshaping your projections and context of reality.


    Breath, mindfulness, and focus bring you into alignment by grounding your awareness in the present moment, enabling you to make conscious choices that resonate with your true desires and values. This alignment then paves the path for divine energy to follow your intentions.


    Alignment with your highest self is the key structure, as it connects you to your truest essence and purpose, catalyzing transformation by shedding all fear, doubt, worry, and lack. This deep connection empowers you to live authentically, manifest your dreams, and radiate your unique brilliance into the world.


    Manifestation hinges on the vibrational alignment of your energy and beliefs as they shape your reality through your thoughts, emotions, and actions. When your energy aligns with divine will and empowering beliefs, you open the door to manifestation, drawing your desired reality closer to you. With breath, clarity, and intention, anything becomes possible. The art and science of manifestation is drawing spiritual energy into your physical reality.