Post-Psychedelic Growth
Mental and Emotional Release®:
Clear emotional and energetic blocks that surfaced during your journey. We begin by using Mental and Emotional Release® (MER) and energy healing to release deep-rooted traumas and limiting beliefs. This process clears emotional and energetic pathways, setting the foundation for growth and renewal.
Envision Your Authentic Self:
Create a Vision of Who You Want to Become. Post-psychedelic experiences often reveal new aspects of self. Guided hypnosis sessions in our program help you envision this higher self and bring clarity to your goals and values, creating a future aligned with your deepest aspirations and insights.
Take Aligned Action for Meaningful Change:
Translate Insights into Practical Steps for Daily Life. With integration coaching, we help you set actionable goals that align with your vision, supporting you to make real-world changes that are sustainable and impactful. This step grounds your psychedelic insights in a way that transforms your daily life.
Balance and Flow:
Reconnect with Your Body’s Energy Flow. Qigong practice is incorporated to help maintain emotional, physical, and energetic balance. This gentle movement practice promotes relaxation and helps anchor insights from your experience into your mind and body, cultivating resilience and grounding.
Integrate Your Sense of Self:
Turn insights into a grounded, resilient identity. Often, ego dissolution requires you to recreate your identity. Our final step focuses on aligning your insights with a renewed sense of self. This phase emphasizes identity rebuilding, helping you establish a balanced, empowered ego that reflects your highest potential and purpose.